Saturday, October 13, 2012

Little intake of aspirin can do wonders

Aspirin is an non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAIDs), which helps to keep the flow of blood normal in the human body by thinning it and regulating its flow. This is usually prescribed by a physician as a pain killer, but can also be found over the counter. Aspirin has its own advantages. Many researches have conducted studies to see the effects both positive and negative, caused by this medicine. Recently a study was conducted.  The doctors prescribed aspirin to those women as a prevention of heart disease.

In Britain, the majority of people taking this drug do so on the doctor’s order for the avoidance of heart disease. There is a conflict in the research that has been performed to see the results of aspirin on people who are using it for a long period of time. Some suggest that long-term use of any NSAIDS like aspirin protects the brain and minimizes the risk of cancer.

In the British Medical Journal research was published which concluded that the regular use of aspirin in a minute amount can slow the process of brain declination. This study was conducted at Gothenburg University in Sweden and took place over a period of five years. The researchers took a sample of 681 women from the age range of 70 to 92 as a demographic variable. The selected women were those who had a history of heart problems and were more at a risk of a stroke.

They performed multiple tests on the women to check their physical health, memory, verbal speaking, and dementia. In the group some women were taking aspirin for heart disease while the rest were taking other NSAIDS. These women were examined for a tenure of five years. At the end of this tenure the researchers performed a mini mental state examination on the women. They found that those women taking aspirin has less brain power decline over the entire period.  Dr Anne-Borjesson-Hanson from Gothenburg University stated that it can protect the brain in the women who are facing a risk of a stroke or heart disease.

Since using anything in excessive amount is dangerous, similarly long-term use of this drug can also cause some side effects in the body. These researchers predicted that the same results would be found in men.

Friday, October 5, 2012

New study on mice gives clues to human skin repair

 A recent study published in the journal Nature has brought good news to those who are concerned about scars on their skin. This new study, done by US researchers on some African spiny mice, shows that the subject tears off their skin in order to escape predators. However, after losing up to two thirds of the skin on their backs, these tiny mice can heal up their wounds without leaving any scar.  According to the scientists the skin of these mice can rapidly heal and regrow hairs rather than forming a scar, unlike wounds in other animals. This phenomenon reminds us of salamanders, which are famed for their regenerative abilities, some salamander species can even regrow entire limbs. Scientists have been doing many studies on salamanders hoping to figure out how to produce the same effect in people.

Similarly, with the new finding in spiny mice, scientists want to figure out how the healing takes place and if it could be applied to people. Unlike salamanders, mammals however have very limited ability to regrow lost organs. Normally, when the skin got wounded, a scar will be formed. This study shows that mammals as a group may in fact have higher regenerative abilities than they are given credit for.

Together with the ability to heal skin, the mice are also able to heal large circular hole punches in their ears; they regenerated hair follicles, sweat glands and cartilage.

Tests showed the mice produced a "regeneration hub" known as a blastema in order to repair the injury. It is this bundle of stem cells that is also used by the salamander to rebuild missing body parts. According to scientists, the failure to form a blastema is one of the main constraints on regenerating appendages in humans, or mammals.

The extracellular matrix in the web of proteins that holds cells in place is another difference. These African mice appear to deposit extracellular matrix into the wounds on their skin at a slower rate than other mice species, pigs or humans. Although many scientists have been trying to speed up the healing process, the study on spiny mice shows that slowing things down is perhaps the right path towards regeneration. However, working out what is happening and then trying to transfer the findings to people is likely to be a long journey.

Friday, September 28, 2012

Cancers could be stopped...

Cancers could be stopped by a substance found in Cannabis

The plant mix does not generate psychoactive cannabis properties, however it does provide plenty of benefits. In the example of breast cancer it does not just prevent the cells from acting as 'madmen', but it increases the capability of these cells to return to normal homeostatic conditions.

Cannabidiol is a compound commonly found in the well know cannabis plant, and is not psychoactive. According to scientists, this compound might stop the spread of a wide variety of aggressive cancer forms.

Moreover, after several studies, they have found that cannabidiol, is able to extinguish the bad gene, which is responsible for the so-called metastasis, which leads to an aggressive and terrible breast cancer form. As stated, it is imperative to make emphasis on the fact that this substance does not produce any of the psychoactive properties like the cannabis plant does.

Five years ago, the California Pacific Medical Center team in San Francisco, found its potentials. This took place right after it actually battled the cells of breast cancer growth in the laboratory.
One year ago, they exposed a detailed study linked to an outcome in mice, which resembled the other one. Today, they state that they are close to publishing results from more animals that extend these effects much more.

In declarations to the San Francisco Chronicle, the co-leader of this research Dr. Sean McAllister stated that every test data is extremely potent and there is no harmfulness or toxicity. There is plenty of investigation to proceed, advance, and spread enthusiasm between people.

Dr. McAllister together with Dr. Pierre Desprez may look for further possibilities in order to turn their research into a strong pill. They are now dealing with its development in human trials. This fabulous team looks forward to testing the pill along with the latest chemotherapy solutions.

Desprez is also a teacher and had previously encountered a relevant role of an unknown protein named ID-1, which leads to widespread cancer. Simultaneously, Dr. McAllister has found that the cannabidiol chemical union is fantastic in terms of anti-cancer solutions. Trial results definitely appear to be promising. This team has paired up to develop an aggressive breast cancer treatment in order to deal with “triple negative”. This affects around 15% of patients, and the involved cells have high ID-1 levels. When exposing these cells to cannabidiol compound, the results were shocking. They were astonished since cancer didn’t just stop being “crazy” but they even went back to a normal and healthy condition. Thus, this team of experts found out that the cannabidiol switched off the ID-1 over expression, preventing them from moving into distant tissues. There are other possibly treated cancers such as, lung, ovarian, leukemia, and brain disorders that contain high ID-1 levels as well.

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Artists Takes Every Drug Known to Man

Ok so I don't have much to say about this, other than it's AWESOME!  Now I don't encourage anyone to take drugs, and this artist from Washington, D.C. did undergo minor brain damage, but the images that he drew after taking each drug gives us insight into what's happening in our brain and the distortion of reality while under the influence.

Be sure to check it out!$yNoS3:MxDXovg9/

Rural Americans are more likely to be obese

According to a new study on obesity that drew on data from the National Center for Health Statistic, American adults living in urban areas are less likely to be victims of obesity than those who live in rural areas. Researchers of the study believe the reasons why rural people are more obese is due to diet and their nature of isolation.

The traditional diet in rural America is usually full of rich, homemade foods, including a lot of meat, sweets, and fatty dessert, which is no doubt very high in fat. In addition to a diet that can easily make people obese, rural American adults also often encounter more challenges than their city-dwelling peers when it comes to attaining access to health care and other services that can keep their weight down.  Moreover, when people live in rural areas, physical isolation is another problem for them to face. As a matter of fact, it is pretty hard to get to a gym if you live outside of a town without one.

While the obesity disparity is quite prominent in adults 20 to 39 years old, there is not any difference in older age groups in rural and urban areas, which researchers believe might be attributed to the disappearance of strenuous jobs in rural areas. In the past, rural people had to do a lot of physical activities, such as walking, farming and all the other works around the house. With the rapid development of technology, most of the more difficult tasks are now handled by machines, freeing rural people from the burden of physical works.  Since the rural areas typically do not have a culture of physical activity as leisure time, obesity is not a surprising consequence. Physical activity is now a necessity for American people who live in rural areas, said a researcher. 

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

A New Primary Care Model in the US

At North Country HealthCare, PCMH (Patient Centered Medical Home), a new care model is now being implemented. This model is not only restricted to being at a physical location but it is also an innovative step toward primary care.

This transformation of primary care is basically organized to prevent most of the expensive medical interventions, including visits to emergency rooms, unimportant office visits and needless hospitalizations etc. A team approach would be used in this medical home to provide a holistic and personalized approach to the care delivering system. Every patient would have some identified medical assistant and primary provider. The main goal is to establish an efficient clinic operation, which would optimize the health level of each patient.

North Country is striving to improve patient care along with assuring the well-being and health of the patients. NCQA (National Committee For Quality Assurance) recognizes those practices that need to meet a certain criteria, including the prioritized relationship between the clinician and patient.  Enhanced access to the care is provided, and PCMH fully meets this criteria.

Care Management can rightly be called a PCMH’s keystone. The care management service ensures that patients who are at a high risk or the ones who have health conditions that are uncontrolled get maximum possible attention. For this, they are provided with a team of health coaches and nurses along with a medical assistant and a care provider. They would pay all the required attention to the patient and would give them necessary education to ensure more quality interaction. In order to achieve the best health, an individual may need services that are more than what a primary care giver can provide in a fifteen to thirty minute appointment.

Added to this, North Country has also made a way through which they can track the patient’s referrals to a specialist as well as monitor the hospitalized patients more efficiently.  They use electronic health records and because of that, are able to monitor patients more actively and provide them with maximum care in order to minimize recovery time. These opportunities include cancer screening and much, much more.

At the moment, North Country HealthCare is preparing its Kingman, Lake Havasu and Flagstaff city clinics for patient-centered medical home that are recognized by NCQA. It plans to make sure that the best services are provided at the lowest possible amount. With their team by their side, Susan Bigly and Sarah Morley, care management/associate medical director and project manager of PCMH respectively, are excited to be recognized as specialists of health care innovation.

Friday, September 7, 2012

The World's Reaction to Akins Rape Statement

I HOPE that this news is just as appalling and disgusting to the rest of you as it is to me.  Though Todd Akin later apologized and explained his reasoning, it does not excuse his actions.  Words can never be unspoken.

Congressman Todd Akin, a republican from Missouri, was recently asked if he believed that abortion is justified in cases of rape.  His response was matched with gasps and head shakes from men and women all across the nation.  "It seems to be, first of all from what I understand from doctors, it's really rare.  If it's a legitimate rape, the female body has ways to try to shut the whole thing down."  I'm not sure what doctors he's been talking to, or what university he attended, but his lack of empathy and sensitivity for women who have been traumatize in this way is just astounding.  Senator Claire McCaskill, the Democrat whose Senate seat Mr. Akin is seeking, released a statement soon after, discussing her negative feelings toward Akin's remark.  She has worked closely with hundreds of rape victims and truly understands the pain they have endured.  McCaskill later stated, "It is that experience that makes Akin's statements so outrageous". Of course the senator shot back a rebuttal, claiming that he mispoke in the interview, "I believe deeply in the protection of all life, and I do not believe that harming another innocent victim is the right course of action. I also recognize that there are those who, like my opponent, support abortion, and I understand I may not have their support in this election”.

Mit Romney, the Republican presidential nominee, called Mr. Akin's comments "insulting, inexcusable, and frankly, wrong".  Mike Huckabee, out of the kindness of his heart, allowed Akin on his radio program to explain himself, respectable I thought, but still unforgivable.  Obama himself condemned the congressman's remarks and said they were an example of why politicians should not make health care decisions for women.

As the chorus of politicians each put in their own two cents, the public responded in similar, yet unique ways.

The "Renegade Raging Grannies" made up a song, ending with this lovely gesture.

Monday, September 3, 2012

Correlation, not causation

When is comes to teenagers, they're in a rush to do feel older and mature.  All they want to do is fit in and I believe drinking and getting their fix on the newest drug makes them believe they do.  According to a recent study, the largest to comprehensively investigate brain white matter, adolescents should think twice before taking a puff.

A study according to new research was conducted at the Murdoch Children's Research Institute in conjunction with the University of Melbourne and the University of Wollongong, whose results were published in the leading neurology journal, Brain.  They found that those individuals who were heavy cannabis users and who have a longer period of exposure, had the most significant changes to their brains, especially the area responsible for memory function.  They stated that the age marijuana use began was a key factor in determining the severity of any deterioration to the brain.  The younger the user was when they started, the worse the outcome, greatest abnormalities, and more drastic the cognitive impairment.

The study followed 59 cannabis users and 33 non-users with magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) images to determine which areas of the brain had been affected.  The leading researcher, Doctor Marc Seal found that there were certain ages at which the brain was more vulnerable to damage due to regular cannabis use.  "Our results suggest that long-term cannabis use is hazardous to white mater in the developing brain.  This was especially true for those who had started in adolescence, as we know the brain is still developing during this time."  He then said that delaying use of said drug may minimize such harmful effects, not to encourage use at all.  The areas of the brain that sustained the most damage included the hippocampus and commissural fibers which may underlie the memory impairment most commonly found in long-term heavy users.  Deterioration and alteration of brain white matter have also been linked to schizophrenia.  In this study, those most effected were found to start using around age 16 and were repeat users for about 15 years.

I think it's also important to note that marijuana use these days may not seem like a huge deal, compared to what else is out there.  It is honestly scary that studies show fewer adolescents believe that regular cannabis use is harmful to our health.  The more this ideology spreads, the younger users become, and the more damage occurs.  I'd like to also note that persistent cannabis use was STILL ASSOCIATED with neurophysiological decline even after years of continuing education.  Once these kids start smoking, cessation of use will not restore lost neuropsychological function.

These new results highlight the importance of prevention and policy efforts targeting adolescents.,-heavy-cannabis-use.aspx

Friday, August 24, 2012

Johns Hopkins new release

Breaking news: Johns Hopkins scientists have developed a new and reliable method to turn blood cells back to stem cells, making it possible for the primitive state to develop into any cell type in the body.  The Public Library of Science (PLos) says that this is "chapter two" in an ongoing effort to revert various types of cells back to stem cells, which are highly qualified for clinical and research use.  “Taking a cell from an adult and converting it all the way back to the way it was when that person was a 6-day-old embryo creates a completely new biology toward our understanding of how cells age and what happens when things go wrong, as in cancer development,” say Zambidis, assistant professor of oncology and pediatrics at the Johns Hopkins Institute for Cell Engineering and the Kimmel Cancer Center.  

Chapter one, which apparently took place last spring, was the successful process of transforming adult blood cells into heart cells.  Now Zambidis and his colleagues are coaxing adult blood cells back into induced-pluripotent stem cells (iPS).  These are reprogrammed to an embryonic stage, opening a whole new world of possibilities and efficiencies.  As explained in the article below, the Zambidis' method of producing these iPS cells is extremely efficient and virus free, boosting odds of success from 1-2% to 50-60%.

Traditionally, scientists used viruses, which delivered a package of genes initiating a series of processes that converted the cells from one type, back to their stem cell state.  This was pretty risky considering that introducing viruses drastically increases the chance of genes mutating and producing cancers in the newly transformed cells.  In place of using viruses, Zambidis' team now uses plasmids, rings of DNA, which briefly replicate inside cells and then degenerate.  It was also found that growing in their natural bone-marrow environment stimulated growth.

"For the new study, the Johns Hopkins team took cord blood cells, treated them with growth factors, and used plasmids to transfer four genes into them. They then delivered an electrical pulse to the cells, making tiny holes in the surface through which the plasmids could slip inside. Once inside, the plasmids triggered the cells to revert to a more primitive cell state. The scientific team next grew some of the treated cells in a dish alone, and some together with irradiated bone marrow cells, " as explained in an article from  When scientists compared the growth between the blood cell method with iPS cells from hair and skin, they found the iPS cells from blood stem cells treated with four genes and cultured along with bone marrow cells was far superior.  These converted into their primitive state within 14 days.

Additional and effective methods to produce virus-free iPS cells may open the doors to other developmental stem cell therapies, along with providing a more accurate picture of cell development and biology.

The study's co-authors were Park, Huo, Peters, Talbot, Verma, Zimmerlin, and Kaplan.  They were supported by grants from the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute, the National Cancer Institute, the National Institutes of Health, and the Maryland Stem Cell Research Fund.

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Clashing of medicine and the law

This article is written with a heavy and disappointed heart, coming from a pro-choice medical student.  It has been released that a 16 year old girl from the Domican Republic died recently after being diagnosed with leukemia, but was denied chemotherapy because she was nine weeks pregnant.  Doctors were certain that the life-saving treatment would terminate her pregnancy, violating the constitution which prohibits taking the life of another.  Article 37, written and passed in 2009, states that 'the right to life is inviolable from the moment of conception and until death', and has been interpreted by Dominican courts as a mandate against abortion.  Any doctor that administered the treatment could be prosecuted.  The girls mother, Rosa Hernandez appealed to heath and government authorities to make an exception and save the teenager's life, 'My daughter's life is first. I know that [abortion] is a sin and that it goes against the law ... but my daughter's health is first.'.  Controversy among government officials and human rights groups arose over whether administering chemotherapy would be allowing an abortion to take place, because that was the guaranteed outcome.  Women's rights activist Lilliam Fondeur says the delay was 'unacceptable' and that the treatment should have been offered immediately.  Pelegrin Castillo, one of the engineers of the law behind the abortion ban, stated that the ban did not prohibit the patient from receiving chemotherapy but makes it illegal for doctors to carry out a termination in order to administer such treatment.

The young girl was eventually treated at the Semma Hospital in the capital city of Santos Domingo three weeks after being diagnosed and just after her second trimester had begun.  At this time the girl began to bleed, but the doctors still refused to interrupt the pregnancy.  Advocates report that she subsequently miscarried and began to hemorrhage.  The medical team was unable to stop the bleeding and she eventually died.

Now I about lost all faith in humanity after reading this next quote.  "Anti-choice activists continue to push the idea that a woman or teen refusing cancer treatment and dying to try to continue a pregnancy is the most beautiful sacrifice that could be made".  WHAT!?  Isn't the life of this girl MORE important than the life of an unborn child?  Not to mention the child will never be born if the woman carrying it dies.  Everyone should be entitled to treatment and doctors refusing to do the right thing because they're afraid of getting in trouble is just as shameful.  It's too bad that common sense wasn't used in order to save this poor girl's life. If this law could be changed, legalizing abortion for good reason (such as rape, incest, not being able to provide a good life for the child), this would eradicate the risk posed to other women seeking this 'secret' and now illegal procedure for unwanted pregnancies.

For more details and a video of Rosa go to:

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Good Ol' STD's

You're going to college, and dreams of hot hook-ups, crazy parties, and the lifestyle you've always wanted dance around in your mind.  This new found freedom is great and you feel invincible, livin' it up, and going to class becomes quite the burden.  We've all been there.  While this independence feels fantastic, and you're sure you'll never be one of "those stories" of contracting some disease at school, it's time to face the facts.  1 in 4 students will have a sexually transmitted disease at some point in their college career, and that's horrifying.  The Center for Disease Control (CDC) sees this as a major problem in today's schools, mostly because of miseducation and poor decision making as a result of being under the influence while getting hot and bothered between the sheets.
1.  Human Papillomavirus (HPV), the cause of genital warts and cervical cancer is considered the most transmittable STD.  This is an incurable virus spread through sexual contact usually with no symptoms.  Many girls now get a set of 3 shots over a few months to protect them from this disease.

2.  Chlamydia is a bacterial STD, caught through vaginal, oral, or anal intercourse.  If left untreated, permanent damage can result in both men and women's reproductive organs.  This is easily cured with antibiotics.

                             (couldn't find a picture that didn't make me want to barf)
3.  Genital herpes is NOT curable and it is thought that 1 in 5 college students are infected since it is as easy to catch as chlamydia.  Redness and multiple blisters form around the genital area.

-Trich is a parasitic infection of the genitals often accompanied by a frothy, smelly and yellowish-green vaginal discharge in women.  Men may experience a slight discharge, burning after urination or ejaculation, and irritation of the penis.  This can only be contracted through vaginal intercourse and is treated with a dose of antibiotics.  If left untreated, as with all other infections, trich can cause complications during pregnancy and make is easier to contract other infections.

-Gonorrhea is a bacterial infection of the genitals, anus, or throat and usually does not show symptoms.  In those which it does present, a burning during urination and white, green or yellow vaginal or penile discharge can be expected.  Women can have irregular bleeding with pelvic pain and men, swollen and painful testicles.  We can be exposed to this through vaginal, oral, or anal sex, or through birth if the mother is infected.  Oral antibiotics are the usual quick-fix but other protection should be used since risk of infection by other diseases is heightened.  If left untreated, pelvic inflammatory disease (PID), infertility, or an ectopic pregnancy in women may result.  Epididymitis, a condition found in men that can result in infertility can occur.  Babies born to women with this disease may develop eye infections.

-Syphilis is a bacterial infection that spreads throughout the body and begins with a chancre, a painless sore found on or in the genitals, anus, or mouth.  After a few months the sore will disappear and a rash may pop up.  This can become a very serious condition if allowed to progress.  It is transmitted through vaginal, oral, or anal sex, kissing, or a sore in the mouth.  It is also possible for mothers to pass it to their children through birth.  Antibiotics are used to treat syphilis but cannot reverse permanent damage done before the disease is caught.  While infected, an individual is more susceptible to other infections including HIV.  If left untreated, symptoms may disappear but the infection will continue to spread throughout the body and can damage the brain, heart, and nervous system, even resulting in death.

-Hepatitis B is a viral infection affecting the liver and can be acute or chronic.  Most people do not show immediate symptoms, especially adults.  Some may experience tiredness, aches, nausea and vomiting, loss of appetite, darkening of urine, tenderness of the stomach, and jaundice.  These typically occur 1-6 months after exposure.  Chronic Hepatitis B can take up to 30 years to rear its ugly head but liver damage can still occur silently.  This is transmitted through vaginal, oral, or anal sex, along with child birth if the baby is not vaccinated.  Acute Hep-B is treated with some R&R, eating well, and plenty of fluids.  If one has chronic Hep-B, they will be monitored by a doctor and put on anti-retroviral medications.  Consequences of this disease include an increased risk of infection along with persistent inflammation and later cirrhosis of the liver.

-Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) is responsible for causing AIDS.  Most people who are infected do not have any symptoms and feel perfectly fine.  They do not develop until a person's immune system has been compromised.  When symptoms do appear they are usually related to infection and cancer.  This is transmitted through vaginal, oral, or anal sex, as well as sharing contaminated needles.  It can be passed from mother to child during pregnancy or breast feeding.  This is no cure for HIV or AIDS.  Anti-retroviral treatment slows the progression of the disease and can delay the onset of AIDS.  Early detection can increase life expectancy, making it more enjoyable.  This greatly increases the risk of contracting other life-threatening diseases and those with HIV may contract infections they wouldn't otherwise get.  Left untreated, HIV is fatal.

Now that we've covered all that, whether in a monogamous relationship or single, it's always important to take the necessary precautions and protect yourself. So....

Don't be silly, wrap your willy
Cover your stump before you hump
Don't be a loner, cover your boner
Before you attack her, wrap your whacker
If you think she's spunky, cover your monkey
No glove, no love

Saturday, August 4, 2012

Affordable Care Act

Regardless of my opinions of President Obama's other policies, I am grateful and truly respect the Affordable Care Act which took effect on August 1st, 2012.  This mandate grants 47 million women enrolled in workplace health insurance the eligibility to free preventive health care services. "Women deserve to have control over their health care," wrote Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) Secretary Kathleen Sebelius in a recent blog post on  Under the new provision, eight services will be available to women without paying a co-pay.

1. Well-woman visits, including annual check-ups for recommended preventive services, more if doctors determine it to be necessary.

2. FDA-approved contraception and counseling is free for those women with employer-sponsored health insurance.  This includes sterilization procedures and education without a co-pay

3. Gestational diabetes screening is now a free test for women 24-48 weeks pregnant with a high chance of developing gestational diabetes.  Women who have this ailment are at an increased risk of developing Type 2 diabetes in the near future.  Their children are also more likely to be overweight and insulin-resistant during childhood.

4. HPV (Human Papillomavirus) DNA testing for women 30 years of age and older can be tested, despite Pap smear results.  This test is especially important because early HPV screening has been shown to reduce the prevalence of cervical cancer.

5. Annual STI (Sexually Transmitted Infection) counseling is provided for sexually-active women.  It has been shown to decrease risky sexual behavior in patients.  A surprisingly low 28% of women aged 18-44 have discussed STI's and STD's with their primary care physician.

6.  HIV screening is also provided for sexually active women.  "From 1999 to 2003, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reported a 15 percent increase in AIDS cases among women and a 1% increase among men," stated Ryan Joslow of CBS news.

7.  Providing breastfeeding support and supplies for pregnant and postpartum women, including lactation support and counseling from trained professionals, as well as equipment.

8.  Interpersonal and domestic violence screening for adolescent and adult women.  A reported 25% of U.S. women have been targets of intimate partner violence, and this act aims to increase their safety.

The U.S. Preventive Services Task Force, a groups of doctors that govern treatment guidelines, provide a wide variety of preventive services: yearly or biyearly mammograms for women 40 and older, cervical cancer screenings, and prenatal care.  It also needs to be understood that until the Affordable Care Act is fully implemented, uninsured women will still be required to pay out of pocked for contraceptives.  Religious universities and hospitals that find contraception to be an "unconscionable violation" of their beliefs can decline to cover it, and insurance companies will then be responsible to step in and prove.

Though this seems like a huge step forward for women to me, it has quickly become a controversial topic.  Many Catholic organizations are outraged and 12 lawsuits in 43 different courts have ben filed across the country.  Good news cannot come without a debate as the church opposes the mandate which requires birth control to be provided to insured women free of charge.   Some argue that contraception was already available for those who wanted it, inexpensive, and easy to access.  They say that the government should not be forcing people to provide it free to women and it may violate some companies conscience.  While some maybe be insulted, it seems unanimous that the policy helps far more people than is offends.  "It's not just important to women, it's important to their families, it's important to their children," said Pamela Kalinowski of NARAL Pro-Choice Virginia.

On a more political note, Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney said in a Washington news conference that if elected, "I will reverse every single Obama regulation that attacks our religious liberty and threatens innocent life in this country."....SHOCKING (sarcasm)

Overall this seems like a great option for women, helping us worry less about unwanted pregnancy and most likely reducing abortion rates and improving children's quality of life.

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Why Giggling is Good For Us

After doing some research and coming across quite a few interesting websites, I think it’s safe to say that I did some giggling while attempting to decide what to write about.  I’ll link those below, but on a more serious note, laughing has been found to be beneficial not only mentally but physically as well.

 It seems that the biggest health improvement is a boost in our immune systems.  This means there is an increase in antibody producing T-cells, the ones that fight infection, resulting in less coughs, colds, and stress hormone production.  This makes us more resistant to disease as well as more relaxed for up to 45 minutes after the giggle-sesh is over.

The second most common result I found was the release of endorphins, our body’s natural feel good chemicals, which promote an overall sense of well-being and acts on the brain similarly to morphine, thus relieving or diminishing pain.

A good laugh-session can also help relieve symptoms of depression and get you feeling like yourself again, though this should definitely not be the sole step taken.  Always remember that it’s important to seek professional help.  Even those suffering from SAD can be positively affected by this simple task.  It reduces tension and stress along with lowering anxiety and irritation, the main contributors of depression.  Other mental health connections include dissolving distressing emotions such as anxiety, anger or sadness, and increases energy.

Laughing can also protect your heart according to a study by the University of Maryland, which discovered that people with diagnosed heart disease were 40% less likely to laugh during a variety of situations compared to people in the same age range without the disease.  It improves the function of blood vessels and increases blood flow throughout the body.  A good laugh has also been thought to PREVENT heart disease, heart attacks, and other cardiovascular problems.  Fifteen minutes a day is equally as important as getting in a minimum of 3 workouts a week.  Also related is the idea that laughter lowers your blood pressure and forces you to breathe deeper, sending oxygen-rich blood and nutrients throughout the body.  It’s especially helpful for people with asthma as it empties the lungs of a larger air volume, cleansing the lungs in a way similar to deep breathing.

A recent study shows that giggling could also help you find the right mate.  “Men love women who laugh in their presence and women actually laugh 125% more than men,” says Rob Mansfield of Laughter Yoga International.  If you’re already in a relationship then laughter can help maintain a strong connection.

On a more silly note, I also came across some articles claiming that laughter is considered to be a mini-workout and can aid in weight loss.  They mean that we’re exercising our diaphragm, the muscle below our lungs, along with our abdominal muscles and possibly shoulders.  They’ve found that laughing 100 times is about equal to 10 minutes of weight lifting or rowing and 15 minutes of biking.  We burn calories by raising our heart rate and also increasing our metabolism.  So remember, KEEP LAUGHING!

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Pope to the Rescue

This may not be as medically oriented as most of my other articles, but discussing a woman who has had such a large impact on pregnancy in society over the last two years is just as important in my eyes.  I give you, Mrs. Rosie Pope, the head of her own maternity concierge service, couture maternity clothing line (Rosie Pope Maternity),  MomPrep classes for expectant mothers, and most recently the star of "Pregnant in Heels" on Bravo TV.  This strong, independent woman has never ceases to amaze me as she handles the joys and perils of motherhood in an often hysterical but sometimes tear-jerking way.  She coaches her patients on any topic from questions about trying to conceive through the toddler years.  Rosie's patience runs high when dealing with first time mothers .  She never babies them but rather hands them a firm dose of pre-natal and post-partum reality.  I'm a big fan of the show because she incorporates her story of problems conceiving to daily struggles of being a mom.  It feels like she's welcoming you into her life and truly practices what she preaches.  She was London born and came to the United States when she was 18.  Before she decided to dedicate her life to mothers and babies Rosie performed ballet at Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater, modeled for Italian vogue, studied Neuroscience at Columbia University and even work briefly as a private detective.  She got her foot in the door with a company called 'A Pea in the Pod' who she is now designing clothes for.  I could go on forever but all I really need to say is that I appreciate the perserverence, empowerment, amd relatability Rosie puts into pregnancy, an often scary but always exciting time for women.                                

Monday, July 16, 2012

Exercise and the Brain

We've all heard that exercise is good for your heart, lungs, blood pressure, and mental health, but did you know that it could also be making you smarter?  Many people believe that we are born with a set number of brain cells and that they even degenerate over time, this however is not true.  Let's first discuss what we already know about the correlation between the brain and working out and we'll move to more recent studies later in this article.

Breaking a sweat has been proven to help people recover from depression more quickly, improve memory,  prevent other health ailments, aid in better decision making, and helps to alleviate pain via neurotransmitters.  This is thought to mimic the effects of morphine on the reward center of the brain and intefere with pain transmission within 30 minutes.  Exercise causes an additive effect on the body, meaning that longer and harder workouts will be required to reach the same euphoric feeling over time.  The new ideas of the effect that exercise exerts on the brain are the following mechanisms:  neurogenesis, mood enhancement (increased serotonin and norepinephrine) and endorphine release.

Neurogenesis, the creation of new neurons, most often occurs in the Hippocampus which is the learning and memory center of the brain.  Since we begin to lose nervous tissue around age 30, it is important to exercise since the stress of working out activates the expression of BDNF (Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor) genes.  BDNF is responsible for growth, differentiation, survival, and repair of brain cells resulting in a denser network of neurons that in turn are better at storing information.  It has also been known to strengthen cells and their axons, connect neurons and spark neurogenesis via exercise. This protects existing neurons, promotes plasticity (contributes to the efficiency of information cross the synaptic cleft), and offers reparative effects to injured neurons, decreasing the likelihood of Alzheimer's and Parkinson's    With exercise the brain can resist physical shrinkage, and create an increase in both blood vessels and cognitive flexibility.  Another scientist, Justin S. Rhodes stated that working out can slow or reverse brain physical and cognitive decay which begins in our late 20's at a rate of 1% each year.

It has been reported that physical INactivity is associated with poorer academic performance and lower scores on neuropsychological tests.  Activity, especially aerobic, provides the following benefits:  increased skills in multi-tasking, planning, inhibition and helps with memory.  Weight bearing activity has only proven to help with memory. However, over-exercising can also inhibit learning so it's important to find a balance.
Michelle W. Voss at the University of Urbana-Champaign stated that both aerobic and strength training are key to maintaining brain and cognitive health.   This is big news in the health field and Gretchen Reynolds of The New York Times claimed that it's, "not just a relationship, it IS the relationship".   So many people noticed this new trend that Justin S. Rhodes from the Institute for Advanced Science and Technology at the University of Illinois began his own experiement with mice.  He made four groups, the first lived in luxury with hearty meals and comfortable beds.  The second group had all of the pleasures of the first group and a running wheel, the third did not live a lavish lifestyle and ate standard food while the final group had running wheels but no toys or treats.  The results showed that extra toys and tastes had no real effect on the brain while those mice with a running wheel were healthier and performed better on cognitive tests

2012-2013 Medical Mission Trip

This is just the beginning but I'm getting pretty excited about the possibility of going to Costa Rica or Nicaragua on a Medical Mission Trip with my university's Pre-Medicine Club.  If I do end up going I think it'd be pretty cool to keep everyone updated with pictures and what I'm doing while I'm gone.

VIDA is the host group and I've spent the day checking out their website.  This seems like really good hands on experience and a real eye-popper on a resume.  The following is directly from

Volunteers will actively participate in the following areas with an emphasis on hands-on experience (via interpreters as needed):
 Conducting patient interviews along with a thorough patient history.
 Taking patient vital signs.
 Performing basic physical exams and assessments. (May include blood sugar monitoring and urinalysis).
 Volunteers may assist with pre-natal wellness checkups on expectant mothers.
 Volunteers may assist in wound care, dressing changes and sutures.
 Present patient information to professional medical staff along with differential diagnosis and proposed treatment plan recommendations.
 Working in our pharmacy.
 Performing public health screenings and community education discussions to help promote public awareness.

Some of the most common diseases that we will encounter are the following:
 Muscle-Skeletal pains.
 Upper respiratory infections.
 Fungal infections.
 Heart disease.
 Skin Infections.

Medical Orientation
VIDA offers one full day of orientation to prepare volunteers for a truly hands on clinical experience, which covers the following topics:
 Introduction to tropical medicine and common diseases.
 Basic physical exams, vital signs and social histories.
 Review of medical instruments and equipment; proper care and handling of medical equipment.
 Differences between health care systems of host country and U.S./Canada/Europe.
 Importance of community education/public health.
 Review of standard precaution practices.
 Basic medical Spanish (allows participants more independence).
 Review of field clinic setup and processes; such as the intake form.
     Overview of medications and prescription procedures.
     Review of pharmacy setup and procedures.

Academic Activities:
 Case presentations and discussions after every 2 days of clinic.
 Study assignments between clinic days (throughout the whole trip).
 General control questions about each case reviewed with the local physicians.

I'll try to keep this updated as I learn more about the trip : )

The Science of Love

There may be more to a kiss than meets the lips, as we are discovering that kissing is more of an evolutionary advancement than a romantic gesture that has motivated poets and musicians for decades.  Ninety percent of the world's population shows intimacy in this way and many believe it began as a feeding ritual between mothers and their young.  Kissing is now understood world wide as a sign of love and affection.  This is an extremely interesting topic in my opinion, because there is both a lovey-dovey laymans and a scientific side.

After some more research I came across a new book called "The Science of Kissing: What Our Lips Are Telling Us" by Sheril Kirshenbaum.  She speaks of the research Helen Fisher conducted as an anthropologist at Rutgers University from which she declared that this form of intimacy fulfilled the three needs of sex drive, romantic love, and attachment.  Some even believe that kissig helps to find and initiate relationships with partners long enough to conceive children.  While this is all fun and cute, it's also important to understand what is happening in our brains.

Kissing causes an increase in the neurotransmitter Dopamine, which is responsible for craving and desire, why most of us feel addicted or like we can't get enough of our significant others.  Serotonin and Oxytocin levels both also sky-rocket rendering a happy go lucky mood while thinking about our partners and attachment respectively.  Oxytocin has also been called the 'love hormone' and is found in the largest quantities after an orgasm.  This is responsible for mother-child attachment as well.  It's not surprising that during a passionate kiss all senses are heightened, pulse quickens, pupils widen making vision unfocused (the reason we close our eyes), blood vessels dilate, and our nose tells us about the other persons hygiene.  With all of this happening at the same time, its common for a bad or good kiss to have a big effect on a relationship.  A study from the State University of New York - Albany recently stated that between 50 and 65% of people have ended a relationship due to a bad kiss, more commonly women.  Considering human lips are packed with tons of nerve endings, making it the most sensitive part of our face due to its disproportionately large representation in the brain, it makes sense that sparks literally fly when you are crazy about someone.  No really, electrical impulses are passed between the brain, lips, tongue, and skin during a good lip locking session.  In the estimated 20,000 minutes, or 2 weeks, that we spend kissing in our lifetime people have noticed a difference between how the genders go about this act.  Men most often prefer french kissing, while some may just find it sexy, scientists hypothesize that it also has to do with the amount of testosterone transferred from the male to the female within saliva.  This in turn raises the woman's libido.  Supposedly women follow more of a histocompatibility complex in which they are 'drawn' to men whose DNA is very distinct and compatible to their own.  If this is true, their children will be more immunologically favored to survive.  I also found it interesting that 2/3 of the world's kissing population tilts their head to the right when locking lips, despite what their dominant side or hand is.

Fun fact of the day: 1 minute of intense kissing burns 26 calories!!

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Alzheimer's Breakthrough

In London, scientists have found the five basic signs of the most dreaded disease to strike the elderly population, Alzheimer’s disease.  Due to recent research doctors may be able to detected if a patient with be affected by it 25 years in advance and before the onset of the disease.  Many believe this could be a breakthrough discovery in leading to the diagnosis and treatment because of the invisible timeline the information maps out.  The Washington University School of Medicine studied families with genetic risks and reported their findings in The New England Journal of Medicine.  The study consisted of 128 individuals from the United Kingdom, United States, and Australia who all had a 50% chance of inheriting one of the three mutations that cause early onset Alzheimer’s and most often develops between the ages of 30 and 40.  The potential victims all had equal risk based on the fact that only one of their parents suffered from the disease.  This also came into consideration when determining the possible symptoms could appear in those intended to get it.  Alzheimer’s usually shows itself during a person’s 60’s and those with the correct genetic mutation will go on to develop the dreaded disease.  Scientists tested blood and spinal fluid, looked at brain scans and made subjects take part in mental ability assessments.

1.  A change in spinal fluid levels: the first change of the key ingredient of Alzheimer’s brain plaques can be detected 25 years
2.  Raised levels of tau: this is a structural protein found in brain cells that can be detected 15 years in advance.
3.  Shrinkage of select parts of the brain
4.  A change in the way the brain uses glucose- 10 years prior
5.  Memory problems- 10 years prior

Dr Laurie Ryan, clinical trials program director at the National Institute on Aging, in America, said: "These exciting findings are the first to confirm what we have long suspected, that disease onset begins years before the first sign of cognitive decline or memory loss.

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Know your ABC's

When it comes to moles, it's important to know what to look for:
Asymmetry- half of the mole doesn't look like the other
Irregular Border- a poorly defined border
Varied Color- contains multiple shades of black, brown, white, red, or blue
Large Diameter- should not be larger than a pencil eraser
Evolving- be especially aware if moles develop after age 20
Also be aware if any moles are painful, itchy, or begin to bleed.

The most common types of skin cancer are basal cell and squamous cell carcinomas, with the most deadly being melanoma.
Basal cell carcinoma is a slow growing form of skin cancer most common in the United States.  It begins in the epidermis, or uppermost layer of skin and most often occurs on skin that is regularly exposed to the sun or UV radiation.  It is much more likely to be found on people 40 years of age and older.  It appears pearly or waxy, white or light pink, flesh-colored or brown.  It may be a sore that does not heal and bleeds easily, is crusty or oozing, has irregular blood vessel formation around is or a sunken middle portion  It can be treated with Moh's surgery, excision, curettage and electrodesiccation, cryosurgery, medication, john's surgery, or photodynamic therapy

Squamous Cell Carcinoma, also a non melanoma form of skin cancer occurs when there is uncontrolled growth of abnormal cells that arise in the epidermis.  In normal skin that has been previously injured or inflamed or regularly exposed to the sun and UV radiation.  The earliest form of squamous cell skin cancer, known as Bowen's disease, is described as squamous cells that have not yet spread to nearby tissue.  This kind of skin cancer is most commonly seen on the face, ears, neck, hands, or arms.  It grows as a bump, has a rough scaly surface, and flat reddish patches.  The initial phases are typically larger than one inch.

Melanoma, the most deadly type of cancer is caused by changes in melanocytes, a specific type of skin cell which produces melanin which is responsible for skin and hair color.  There are four kinds:
1. Superficial spreading melanoma--the most common type among Caucasians.  This is flat, irregular in shape, and has varying shades of brown and black.
2.  Nodular melanoma-- this is described as a raised area that is dark blackish-blue or bluish-red
3. Lentigo maligna melanoma--this is the most common type among the elderly on the face, neck, and arms.  They are large, flat, and tan with areas of brown.
4.  Acral lentiginous melanoma--this is the least common form and occurs on the palms, soles, or under nails.  It is more prevalent in African Americans and has some rather unusual risk factors: effects people that live in sunny climates and high altitudes, in those with a history of blistering sunburns during childhood, in those that use tanning devices, those with a history of melanoma among close relatives, have a weakened immune system, or have certain types of birthmarks.

The following is a list of risk factors from :

Risk Factors
Anyone can get skin cancer, but some things put you at higher risk, like having—
·       A lighter natural skin color.
·       A personal history of skin cancer.
·       A family history of melanoma.
·       Long-term exposure to the sun
·       A history of sunburns early in life.
·       Skin that burns, freckles, reddens easily, or becomes painful in the sun.
·       Blue or green, grey eyes.
·       Naturally blond or red hair.
·       Overexposure to x-rays and radiation